Every time I try to start a new posting there are chores and duties to be performed. Now I have a quiet moment to think and compose within a very narrow window of time as I have to get up at 4:30 am to go to work in the morning. Last night the wind howled and pounded on the windows ( a prelude to the winter intimidations) so I didn't sleep much.
Last Thursday we had our first snow, unusually late for this area. Something about a softly falling snow, tames the mind into quiet contemplation. Although I was getting soaked while feeding the stock, everything was serenely perfect.
I notice the bright yellow and burnt orange faces of autumn's last burst of glory.We were blessed with lingering warmth and less wind (the wind which usually puts and end to the show of trees). The daisys and marigolds, even some roses, request their presense in the darkening log house to brighten up the shadowy corners.
The tomatoes are hanging in the basement, onions layed out to dry, carrots and beets covered in their outdoor beds, and the herbs, mint,and celery leaves hanging from the ceiling and walls and the meat is in the freezer. Wood is stacked on the porch and there is plenty of bedding for the calves. All is well on the Double MD Ranch. Relish autumn and let winter come. The time for reflection is nigh.
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