Friday, March 11, 2005

California Dreaming

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I awoke this morning as if from a dream. Home in my bed I had to ask myself if I had indeed been in my beloved San Francisco Bay Area. After all of the planning and visualizing the details of the much anticipated trip, here I was in Wyoming again. Then I blindly pulled a book off of my shelf for the morning inspiration and Wayne Dyer in his book, You'll See It When You Believe It, tells us "There is only one dream!...only one dreamer and one dream. Yes, waking consciousness can be seen as one big dream, taken from the level of consciousness higher than this one....
Who is the ultimate dreamer?...From the perspective of the next dimension, one level of consciousness is all that there is, and all of us are characters in that dream...from an expanded awareness we can see that (we/they) are all illusions in our dream." But I do have great photos and memories of time spent between my brother Stan and Pat, my daughter Serena, the City and the ocean. What a wonderful dream.

On a sleepy afternoon, I'm gliding at 38,000 feet at 500 mph from Denver to San Francisco,listening to Celtic harp and flute on the headphones. The incredible and varied lay of the land is so intriguing. (why isn't everyone craning to see?) Thick snowy spines of the Rocky Mountain ranges, basins of brown and red etched with feathery rivlets, grand red and gold mesas carved out at the river's edge. The more mundane terrain looks like leathery frosted,dinosaur backs. Before long the Sierra Madres present themselves, then melt into verdant waves of velour, only too soon to be latticed with civilization. Entering the airspace over the Bay, we sail over a crazy quilt of pastel colors patched over the water; peach, mauve, dusty rose, melon, ocher and chartreuse. I was later to find out that they were salt evaporation ponds which was better news than I had imagined. After a 45 minute Bart ride, I arrived in Alemeda to find my brother waiting in the station. A two and a half hour plane ride combined with other travelling modes from our remote Wyoming ranch resulted in 10 hours of travel.

To there...

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Text © 2004 Mona E. Dunn


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