Monday, February 18, 2008

Wilds of Wyoming Winter

So you may wonder, how does one wile away the long winter months in the wilds of Wyoming? There is just the two of us many miles from concerts, art, lectures, and other amenities of culture and the persistant cold winds discourage you from even setting a foot out the door. Of course there is the endless cooking and cleaning.

I do enjoy making comfort foods such as chili and chowder to ward off the cold. We have onions, garlic, potatoes and squash from the garden in the basement, carrots still in the garden under some hay and plenty of eggs and meat. If we had a milk cow I guess I wouldn't have to go to town more than once a month.

Occasionally I get inspired to make a nice dinner with homemade bread and to enjoy with a bottle of wine.
When I do go on the hike to get eggs and feed Sindy's birds I may be gone for hours. My love affair with rocks has become obssessive. Although the hills appear colorless I find yellow, blue, red, pink, green and white treasures scattered everywhere. Carrying many pounds home for my rock wall in the back yard constitutes the weight training aspect of my exercise program.The obssession has expanded to creating necklaces with polished healing stones and research to understand how to apply their magic.

A walk never goes undocumented.

Text and pictures © 2008 Mona E. Dunn


At February 20, 2008 at 9:43 AM , Blogger Runs with horses said...

Ah Ha! So, you finally admit it is an obsession! Don't tell the Cheyenne or Sioux....


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