Japan - Kyoto - Last days
Tsukishima Fish Market
One of our favorite pastimes is the market. Like kids in a candy store we could wander around for hours tasting the many varieties of pickled vegetables, salted fish and candied seaweeds. Occasionally we would find bean and/or rice confections but you never knew for sure if the ambiguous item was going to be sweet, salty or sour.
Serena and the giant cabbages
Another unusual eating experience (note only two live bodies)
Breakfast included in ryokan
Real live geisha encountered on our "walking tour"
Shizuko, Serena's neighbor in SF, travelled by bus overnight from Yokohama to meet us for the last tour of the Kyoto area. She took us for traditional Zen vegetarian lunch with many colorful entrees and sides. It was so nice after information deprivation to be able to ask questions about what's what
The Fushimi Inari Shrine was one of the most interesting we had seen
Next stop
Kanazawa Station
Text and pictures © 2008 Mona E. Dunn
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