Life "As It Is"
I did get to go to my Shambhala weekend and it was well worth the trip.Clark's back got better and his nine yr old grandson came up for the weekend. As soon as I got home John called to say he thought he could do the last windows tomorrow which meant jumping right in to empty the bedroom. Then my cousins and Aunt from Ohio called from Albuquerque so I invited them up.
Then we got plastered with a wet, spring snow...
Then the refrigerator went warm so now I have food in coolers on the deck. I guess I'm just lucky we had the snow.
The window project was finished before the storm. All that I need to do now is seal the inside frames with polyurethane.
Another big difference with the new, bigger windows is all the light in the bedrooms. I can look outside from the bed now without coming out of the covers. After some persuasion Clark took the back boards off of his Ironworker's bed frame creation . Oh, the light!!!
I did get ready for the company (it really helps if you just don't get stressed out)
but after they called and were north of Denver we saw on the news that I-25 was closed from Wellington to Cheyenne. They stopped at Stan's in Ft Collins but decided to get out in front of the storm before it really set in..
So when big waves come up - learn to surf.
Text and pictures © 2008 Mona E. Dunn
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