Sunday, January 30, 2005


My humble beginnings or rather Solomon's.The winter of 1970, three nights of 40 below in the goat shed.

A gentle stillness settled over the house. The radio, refriderator and freezer ceased operation ending the subliminal hum and vibration of wood and glass in the structure of the house. With no wind or hordes of geese this morning, the only sound is the occasional "ticking" of the woodstove as the heated molecules expand or contract. I hear the droan of Clark's truck down the drive and up the hill leaving utter silence.

Exellent atmosphere for meditation!

I still indulge on many occasions, after the stress of the job or peering out from under the heap of paper work on my desk, in the fantasy of going back to the basics of chop wood, haul water and kerosene lamplight like in the old days when I was a hippy in Ojo Sarco, New Mexico. In the evenings instead of watching TV I would be sitting on my porch in a rocking chair with a corncob pipe smoking kinnickinick.
But until the rural electric company announced that we would be without electricity from 8:30am until 6:30pm, I hadn't noticed how compromised my lifestyle has become.

First things first, get up early to take a shower for work tonight, brew coffee for the day and put hot water in the thermos to warm it up. Last night to get a head start we put up a gallon of drinking water, the canning kettle for hot water on the woodstove (Thank the gods for that luxury!), two 5 gallon buckets with water for the toilet. No well house pump, hot water heater, electric cook stove, curling iron, microwave... Can't listen to the tapes or CD's, radio, TV or blog on the computer. Late at night with the lights out I notice the blinking red and green lights of the wireless router, the surround sound terminal, the stereo, the DVD player, the VCR, the TV satillite tranceiver, surge protectors, the microwave and coffee maker; just a reminder that most of these electronic and electrical devices and the others have "simplified" my life. Why do I feel so confused drained of vitality?

Clark still chops wood and I haul gallons of water from the creek to water my house plants. Old habits and preferences die hard.

Guess I'll dive into that pile on my desk and work on my bookkeeping and taxes which I have not totally given over to the electronic computer brain. By the way, did I mention the benefit we gained from the electric company's day long cutting away of menacing trees from the power lines?

The new wood pile!

Text © 2004 Mona E. Dunn

Friday, January 07, 2005

Christmas Tsunami

Twenty-five hundred years ago one of the more highly evolved members of the human race resolved to sit in meditation until his consciousness became linked with the Cosmic Christ. In India he became enlightened or the Awakened One, the Buddha. This link has uplifted the planetary consciousness of man and strengthened the relationship between man and his higher purpose. The Buddha provided a bridge for this Christ consciousness to descend upon the Earth.

Two thousand years ago another individual became awakened to the Christ Consciousness within and went a step further to channel and anchor the energies of the Christ on the earth plane. At the tip of the now Middle East, Jesus's atonement to the Cosmic Christ created a channel, through his human consciousness, for the Divine Energies to impregnate the earth. All life would begin to realize the eternally indwelling presence of the Christ and it's power within.

I,like the rest of the whole world, have been stunned by the magnitude of the catastrophic tsunami in Bays of the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. The shocking numbers of the initial fatalities has given rise to compassion and generosity worldwide. Even Colin Powell felt compelled to point out what a generous nation we are to aid in a situation where so many Muslims are amongst the needy.(spell-check suggested changing the spelling of Colin to colon)

The horrific travesties that occur daily in the Middle East in the name of each other's God, is a sad comment on the long gestation period leading to the rebirth of Man into his evolutionary expression of love beyond fear. We can no longer contribute to conflict by setting ourselves against the old hatreds, judgments and biases. We must align ourselves with and demonstrate love in all relationship, with ourselves, each other and the planet. To be agents of change, we must become change. To break old habits we must look to new behavior, not look back on the old.

The Mother Earth (Gaia) commands our attention, calling for wisdom, compassion and love to usher in a New Earth, Heaven on Earth. There is no place on earth to escape the destruction we have wrought. Many have been preparing to take the responsibility for creative and spiritual maturity. Within us, if we listen, are the answers to questions of right thought, right speech, right understanding, right action, right effort, and ways to act mindfully in each moment.

If not you, who?
If not now, when?

Martin Luther King commented that it was no longer a choice between violence and non-violence, but a choice between violence and non-existence.

Pictures taken of moonset, then moonrise Dec 26,2005
Text © 2004 Mona E. Dunn