Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A Long Winter's Night

Long about this time of year, after the gluttony of Thanksgiving, the frenzy of Christmas, the optimism of a New Year, and the drudgery of taxes, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) sneaks in and drains what's left of your vitality. During a particularly bleak, mono-chromatic winter without even a good snow storm to entertain you, one must take a closer look at details to put color and texture back on the palette.

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Sometimes you find an individual which stands out in a crowd.

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Once in a while the world around you opens up and you witness things as they are.

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You may discover who you are when you happen by familiar territory one more time.

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Or a burst of golden sun before setting may reveal the magic that often goes unnoticed.

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Relaxing and letting winter pass with curiosity and grace, spring will again surely happen.

Text and photos © 2005 Mona E. Dunn