Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy Celebration of Lights from the Double MD Ranch


Winter has really set in colder and snowier than in recent years. Perfect conditions to consecrate the darkest days of the year. A time for sacred study and reflection. Before the advent of religious icons the "pagans" naturally observed and revered the passing seasons in ways that connected them to the sacred. May we move beyond our contrived differences and find the sacred in each other and the earth.

Clark's main task this time of year is to take care of the animals providing food and water and dry bedding. No easy task in the bitter cold. The slick ice underneath is treacherous and one little twist can cripple you up for weeks at our age.

The "fats" for next summer's barbeque
The eight new pairs

The rest of the cows are over on the Anderson Ranch.

Every evening we host the wandering herds.

For the heartier appetite

May you all find comfort and warmth, feel the deep peace of the season and find it in your hearts to share the bounty and merit accumulated in this life.


Text © 2007 Mona E. Dunn

Sunday, December 16, 2007


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Journeys can mean many things. I sometimes don't leave the house for several days, no really, I mean it. I don't even go off of the porch when the cold Wyoming Wind blows. But Sindy called me from Minnesota to tell me she had journeyed off and would try to be back for Christmas, could I feed the animals again?
So up the hill I go. I like going up the back way as I could really use the exercise.

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In the chicken house there was a guest sitter
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And the geese gave me a wild honking greeting
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The frost fairy was feeling creative on the chicken house windows.

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Heading home via the road
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Various herds of deer wander in and out of the property, ususally stopping by for a free meal at one of the haystacks. This is one of the nicer bucks.
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But this entry is really about Serena's journey to France. She flew from San Francisco to Paris yesterday morning. She, her new husband Cole, and two of their best friends, Leah and Stephan are headed to Stephan's family house in Menee at the doorway to the French Alps.
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You can view a slideshow of Menee here...
Stephan's sister lives in France and will meet them for Christmas dinner with her family. His parents are in Senegal where they live.

Serena has offered a special trip of my chosing for my 60th birthday. Oh dear, when I watch the Travel Channel I'm always telling Clark "I've aways wanted to go there."

Mona E. Dunn