The New Guys in the Neighborhood
With fall officially underway things are changing fast. The shadows are getting long and the sun is setting farther to the south along the western range. There's wood in the stove, Double MD meat in the pot and garden vegetables in the soup. I baked bread and cookies today and made precious currant jelly from the bush Clark wanted to cut down. The last two weeks I put up and bread and butter and dill pickles and pickled jalepenos and canned tomatoes. I don't mind spending some time indoors while the cold wind offers a preview of the upcoming season.
We went to celebrate Jim and Sande's purchase of a ranch at the other end of our road, Sybille Creek. I brought a bouquet from the garden.
There are many great buildings including a milk barn, a bunk house and a 60 foot silo.
I wanted to take a picture of the simplicity of a new dwelling before all the memorabilia of a lifetime fill the space.
A small squall came up and we had to move the picnic into the garage but it was worth the great rainbow that brightened up post storm.
Sande and Marina, her friend from Russia
Sande at the end of the rainbow
Text and pictures © 2008 Mona E. Dunn