Mid-Summer Evening
As you may have noticed the summer has set me way back. It's not that nothing has happened, quite the contrary. Of course there is the garden which with plenty of rain is going gangbusters. Serena came for a surprise visit early in June and I think between her and Jim and Sande from NJ, the rain lords collided. Serena didn't escape the soaking overcast much though we did have some dynamic storming as well. We took one outing to the hills.
Some Wyoming wildlife

Then Kathy stopped on one of her many excursions this summer. I've known Kathy since I met Clark from hunting parties in the Tetons and housesitting for her in Basin (basement) Wy.
Clark's birthday came and went with us thinking he had just turned 67 for a day or two when I recalculated the difference between us and to my relief figured he had to be 66.
Still lookin" good
Then with little warning the entire left leg swelled three times the normal size, turned purple and we rushed to the ER. He always blames his back but this time they found a sizable clot in the groin and several others along the leg. With a prolonged recovery table he is trying to imagine not spending many hours in the swather, tractor and balewagon. What's a guy to do when that is all one wants to do? I haven't been able to entice him with the prospect of ANY type of retirement activities, not even fishing. Apparently he had planned on riding around in circles for the remainder of his life.
So now we are nearing the end of July and the low is expected to be in the low 40's tonight and it's raining again. It's actually been an ideal summer in a lot of ways but difficult to adjust to all the rain when it comes to getting the hay down and up and dry.
Text and pictures © 2009 Mona E. Dunn