Saturday, October 10, 2009

Brand New Heater, YIKES!

The local REA (Rural Electric Assn) has been offering this Electric Thermal Storage heaters for some time now and with the recent wake-up call that "Oh, shit we might be getting old.", we decided to get one installed and Pat graciously offered to help since Clark's expertise is definitely not electrical. With the installation of one of these heaters the local REA will change your box to record whether you are drawing the juice during peak or off-peak hours (off - noon - 4:30pm and 10:30pm -5:30am). This is a step in the right direction if you can't be off grid. I'm thinking that even with this new electrical device we maybe break even with what we save on the other high wattage appliances if we are conscious of time of usage. This winter I should do all of my baking between noon and four.

Mixing up banana bread and biscuits ahead to bake off-peak

I used the last of my jarred honey. Time to get out the five gallon bucket (about 80 lbs) I bought this summer. What can I say, I saved some money.

The last of the harvest before the frost last week

That big hail storm that set us back had stripped my plum trees that had decided to produce this year. They say the squeeky wheel gets the grease. I bemoaned enough that one neighbor let me pick her purple plum tree which I canned and dried.

Then Saundra called to say she had over picked some wild plums. They make the best jelly so I was glad to put up some pints.

By the way did I mention the grasshoppers this year? This in a pint jar to show scale.

Text and pictures © 2008 Mona E. Dunn