Friday, March 21, 2008

Harbingers of Spring

Gandhi at the Farmer's Market

My darling child, Serena, always ushers in the spring weather to San Francisco for her birthday. We had perfect days of sunny, mellow, mid-sixty degress to shop, hike, beachcomb, and dine out. She and her gem of a husband, Cole, gave me the royal treatment and all of my wishes were fulfilled. We didn't get to Sausalito, but time just plum ran out.
Usually coming home to Wyoming from Eden this time of year sends me into the doldroms, but one by one the telltale signs of spring encouraged cheeriness. The ducks in migration are diverse and colorful, I've already heard the redwing blackbirds trill and two meadowlarks sang to each other. Our first two calves are on the ground. Now if the wind would just stop blowing...

I'll let the pictures will tell the story of the trip...

Serena always set a nice table

Nice to have a Bay window facing south

Lunch at Yerba Buena Park

Serena, Leah, and Monica in front of Monica's flower shop

Shuti and Serena at the Farmer's Market at the Ferry Building

Mt Sutro trail

Decending Sutro into the neighborhoods

Picnic on the bluffs at Bolinas

Tidepools at Agate Beach, Bolinas

Tai Chi in Golden Gate Park

Last day shopping on Haight St

Will post more pictures at a later date.

Text and pictures © 2008 Mona E. Dunn

Monday, March 03, 2008

Bye, Bye Gooseys

The geese are laying now.

Facts and figures, rocks and eggs, laundry, cooking and cleaning...all to be left behind for a week of celebration with my daughter, Serena in San Francisco, my favorite City by the Bay. Got my teeth cleaned and hair cut and caught up on my homework. Ready to go.

The plans are to go to see The Missing Peace at the Yerba Buena Museum , and a tea house near there, dinner at the popular bistro, Zuni Cafe, for Serena's birthday dinner

and maybe salsa dancing or a jazz bar after dinner. That's just the first night. Saturday we will probably go to China Town and then North Beach for Italian food. Sunday I want to go up the coast a ways stopping at Muir Woods, Bolinas, and Point Reyes Station. Monday who knows? There is talk of hiking up Mt Sutro, which is in Serena and Cole's back yard, and over to the Twin Peaks.

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If there is any spare time I would like to take a ferry to Sausalito across the Bay. And of course I must go down on Haight to shop. Damn, I might as well move back there...there is so much to do , so little time. Can't wait!

Text and pictures © 2008 Mona E. Dunn