It Had to Stop Sometime
Like awakening from a chaotic, endless nightmare the calm evening soothes my wind-weary soul. Minutes before the end of the day I got up from an escapist nap to find quiet. I wandered out to witness a sublime light overhead as a blue frost patterned gray cloud slid under a brilliantly lit plume.
Hundreds of night hawks and barn swallows filled the air gliding, soaring and fluttering silently sometimes inches from my head to swoop onto the tiny insects rising from the tall grasses. I stood mesmerized by my aerial companions. The song birds that had been hushed by the roaring wind gave voice to their joy.
Under the steel gray edge of the low cloud on the horizon was a glowing ember of the set sun. All of the magic of the evening was set ablaze....
Text and pictures © 2008 Mona E. Dunn